Title: World of Goo Platform: Games for Windows Live (GFWL) OS: Windows Vista/XP If installing on Windows 8 or later, install the latest Games for Windows - LIVE software here: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=201134 Developers: 2D Boy Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios Release date: October 13, 2008 *Released as a "Digital Only Title" under the GFWL Marketplace which is no longer available after the Games for Windows Marketplace was closed on August 25, 2013 This is the only known copy on the internet.* Game Description: World of Goo is a puzzle video game developed and published by independent game developer 2D Boy. The game was released on Microsoft Windows and Wii platforms on October 13, 2008, with releases on Nintendo Switch, Mac OS X, Linux, and various mobile devices in subsequent years. A physics-based puzzler, World of Goo has the player use small balls of goo to create bridges and similar structures over chasms and obstacles to help other goo balls reach a goal point, with the challenge to use as few goo balls as possible to build this structure. The game was nominated for numerous awards—the Seumas McNally Grand Prize, Design Innovation Award, and Technical Excellence—at the Independent Games Festival,and has gone on to win several other gaming awards. The game was critically acclaimed and became an example of a commercially successful indie game.